Can America's game be held out of our country. That would be crazy especially for fans of the teams to play in the Super Bowl.
I remember when the Raiders went in '02 I was seriously thinking of going-tickets were like 2G's. Can you imagine coming up w/another
1400 dollars for airfair and hotel accomadations and stuff that goes along w/overseas travel.
Ok so who's starting this week Culpepper, McCown or Russell. I say start Culpepper and let's see how he does w/a couple of
starts under his belt and if they keep struggling and they lose a couple more games in a row throw the rook in. I am hoping we see
see him by the end of this season. I am really curious to see this "rocket" of an arm. We'll be athis weeks game and I am hoping
to see the running game take off again and smoke "The Show"-that be the chiefs.
I wouldn't really care if the superbowl is held in another country one day as long as the time it is broadcast isn't too out of whack with our timezones here. The tickets are so expensive anyways, I would never pay that to go to the game even if it were held in Oakland.
Why would the SuperBowl be held out of the country? Ratings slip-nope, cant sell out the game-nope again. There is no reason to move the game outside the U.S.. As far as going to the game, if the Raiders actually make it again before I croak, I will probably look into going again. Its a once in a lifetime opportunity!!
Look into going again? Does that mean you have been to the Superbowl before? Besides, superbowl crowds would be lame, no real home team, not too many real fans usually just people with money.
They want bigger worldwide ratings is why they would do it. They already have us suckers in the US, who will watch anyways. They want American Football to be popular like soccer is around the world.
I looked into going in 2002 but 2gs was really steep and at the time could not do it. In hindsite I'm glad I didn't do it as they played the most horribly played game all year. Dude they already got the whole world duped. The Superbowl is broadcast in like 30 different languages all around the world. NFL Eourope aka WFL already failed there. If they were really trying to go after an untouched market theyd do it in like China or Mexico or something like that. Could you imagine Azteca stadium 100k strong-"Si se pede, Si se puede" and doing the waive? I for one can't see that happening.
The NFL has held games in Mexico City before, I think the last one was 49ers vs Cardinals.
Yeah but not the SuperBowl that would just be weird!!
Cheps, if the Raiders ever make it to the Superbowl, count me in to go. Just going to root for them in any country will be fun!
Raiders in Amsterdam, Woo Hoo!
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