So back to the Culpepper V. McClown thing. I watched the KPIX 5th quarter deal and although McCown did throw for a touchdown all his throws are behind his receivers. Just like the TD to Porter last week he under threw Curry on his TD. Don't know if it's because he's hurt or just because he is sorry but he HAS to sit. Two bad wheels and a broken finger on his throwing hand AND he's not that great. Culpepper needs to be starting next week.
Alright the "Fire Andrew Walter" clock is ticking. Jamarcus' 2 week roster exemption is up after today so look for Walter to be released as early as tomorrow and Russell to be the 3rd stringer. This all depends on how bad McCown is hurt. If he's bad then Walter may be bumped to 2nd string and the Raiders may carry 4 Qbs until McCown is good to go. Walter might have lucked out today but he should be gone sometime after the bye.
All is well in Raiderland. The Raiders won. The state of the team looks to be stabilizing and the Niners looked like shit today!! I'm so glad they got a pounding. Did you guys see the hit put on Vernon Davis?!?! I wish there was a clip on YouTube I could post but here is a picture.

That's What happens when you complain about not getting the ball enough!!
I haven't been glued to the radio since Orson "Wells War of the Worlds "in 1938. Seriously, what a game. We did good but we could of still lost it was it not for that copy cat play pulled from Shanahan's pocket. That first field goal went in and we would of lost yet another. Luckily this one pulled into our favor but we need to stop making these little mistakes that cost us. I mean, how many did Williams drop. But a win is a win. This has got to be the most nerve wracking season yet. I needed a take a shot after this one ended. Whoa!
Is this Adrian or Rodrigo posting. Cheer up fool we won!! Yeah we could have lost but there were a lot of games between last year and this season that we coulda, shoulda won but didn't for some bone head official's call or a knucklehead move on our part. For now I am not going to criticize-just chill out and savor this victory. How about Sea-bass- 4 for 4!!
Yes, a win is great. I almost forgot what it was like to hear of the Raiders winning on the news. But I am tired of the raiders letting every team come back to win (this game almost win). The defense once again lets them march down the field. Prevent Defense sucks, and does the exact opposite of what it is supposed to do which is prevent a score. Defense needs to blitz more. Also, regarding that timeout. Fine, use that same lame trick that screwed us last week, but don't rely on that crap to win games.
It's me foolio, A Deezee off da heazy! I just talked tons of shit last week about Denver pulling that time out and then we go ahead and do the same. Either way I'm savoring this win, Miami lost so I hope we can go 2-2. The good news is that we get to see next week's game.
Yeah I hate the prevent defense. Those two passes to Winslow were so uncalled for. Right down the middle twice I think on third down even. Then that last pass w/10 seconds left on the sideline which set up the short field goal instead of a 50+ yarder was retarded. As far as it being a "lame trick" yeah ir sucks to lose like that but it's all about atrategy. Strategy and coahing wins and loses a lot of games in the NFL every week. It's all w/in the rules of the game. The Raiders played a good game-not great but good enough to win. A lot of strategies and plays are called "trick-plays" or "gimmicks"-the end around, flea ficker, etc. The browns should have expected it-if you look at the replay he has the T.O. signal ready to go w/like 10 seconds to go on the play clock. From the Chronicle:
Dawson lined up on the A's infield dirt. Just before the ball was snapped, Kiffin called the timeout. Like Shanahan the week before, Kiffin told the line judge in advance he wanted a timeout just before the snap.
"He gave me, 'Well, you're going to have to give the signal,' " Kiffin said. "He didn't give me the, 'I'll blow right before.' I don't have as many years in the league as Mike.
This rule definitely needs to be changed but until then-fuck it we won!!
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